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Devart.Data.Dynamics Namespace / DynamicsCommandBuilder Class

DynamicsCommandBuilder Class Properties

For a list of all members of this type, see DynamicsCommandBuilder members.

Public Properties
Public PropertyGets the System.ComponentModel.IContainer that contains the System.ComponentModel.Component. (Inherited from System.ComponentModel.Component)
Public PropertyGets or sets a DynamicsDataAdapter object for which this DynamicsCommandBuilder object will generate SQL statements.  
Public PropertyGets or sets string containing list of key field names separated by semicolon. They are used to generate update commands.  
Public PropertyGets or sets whether the command builder quotes all the names of data source objects. (Inherited from Devart.Common.DbCommandBuilderBase)
Public PropertyGets or sets list of fields whose values should be retrieved after a DML statement execution. (Inherited from Devart.Common.DbCommandBuilderBase)
Public PropertyGets or sets a value that indicates whether and how the Devart.Common.DbCommandBuilderBase should retrieve field values adjusted by server after an update. (Inherited from Devart.Common.DbCommandBuilderBase)
Public PropertySpecifies whetherto include all column values in an update statement or only changed ones.  
Public PropertyGets or sets the System.ComponentModel.ISite of the System.ComponentModel.Component. (Inherited from System.ComponentModel.Component)
Public PropertyOverridden. Gets or sets list of fields to modify.  
Public Property

Gets or sets table name to generate update statements for.

See Also