0 |
Success. |
The operation has been completed without errors. |
2 |
Stop execution with Ctrl+Break. |
Execution was stopped because of Ctrl+Break. |
3 |
Failed. |
The execution has failed. |
10 |
Command-line usage error. |
The command line was used incorrectly. For example, an incorrect flag, or incorrect syntax may have been used. |
11 |
Illegal argument duplication. |
Some arguments may not appear more than once in a command line. For example, /arg2 depends on /arg1 but you have specified /arg2 without specifying /arg1 , or /arg2 cannot be used with /arg1 , but you have used them both. |
20 |
Trial expired. |
Your trial period has expired. |
30 |
Project file corrupted. |
Your project file is corrupted. |
40 |
Server connection fail. |
Server connection failed. |
103 |
Script executed with errors. |
The script was executed with errors. |
105 |
Resource unavailable. |
The resource you are referring to has not been found or you might not have permission to use it. |
107 |
Failed to create report. |
The report was not created. |
108 |
There are no objects to perform the specified operation. |
The operation can not be performed because of the missing objects. |
111 |
Object already exists. |
An attempt was made to create an object with a name that already exists in the same schema. |