You can select the required options while setting the comparison in the Data Comparison Wizard and generate
a file with command-line arguments by clicking Save settings to a command-line arguments file on the Options
Wizard page. Also, you can set comparison options by using the /option_name:[Y/N]
switch in the Command Prompt.
Specify either full or short names of the options. Here is the list of their names.
By default, dbForge Data Compare for MySQL generates a file with command-line arguments and writes all
comparison and synchronization options into it. Each option is written like the following: /option_name: [Y/N]
You can edit the file to turn on/off required options. To turn on comparison and synchronization options, edit their values to “Yes”, “Y”, “True”, “T”, or “On”. To turn off the options, change their values to “No”, “N”, “False”, “F”, or “Off”.
Each option has a full and short name. You can type either name of a required option into the Command Prompt instead of editing the file.
See below the list of options with their full and short command-line names.
Full name | Short name | Description |
BulkInsert | bulk | Specify if the multirow INSERT should be used to increase the data insert performance. When cleared, the single row INSERT is used. |
BulkSize | bsize | Specify the bulk size limit. |
CheckConcurrencyUpdates | concupd | Supplement UPDATE and DELETE commands with non-key values in the WHERE condition and add IF NOT EXISTS statement before the INSERT command. |
CheckDifferent | chkdiff | Include different records into the comparison result. |
CheckIdentical | chkequal | Include identical records into the comparison result. |
CheckOnlyInSource | chksource | Include into the comparison result only those records that exist in the Source. |
CheckOnlyInTarget | chktarget | Include into the comparison result only those records that exist in the Target. |
CompareTables | tables | Include tables into comparison. |
CompareViews | views | Include views into comparison. |
ConvertFromArchiveEngine | convfromarc | Convert Archive Engine to InnoDB for the UPDATE and DELETE operations possibility. |
DisableDmlTriggers | nodml | Disable triggers during synchronization. |
DisableForeignKeys | nofk | Drop foreign keys before synchronization. |
DropKeys | dropkeys | Drop primary keys and indexes before synchronization. |
ExcludeComments | nocomments | Exclude comments from the synchronization script. |
ExcludeNewAddedObjects | excnewaddedobj | Compare only those tables and views that are explicitly included into the project (.dcomp). |
ExcludeObjectsByMask | meobjmask | Exclude tables or views from comparison by specifying a custom wildcard expression for their names. |
IgnoreBlobColumns | miblob | Ignore BLOB columns during comparison. |
IgnoreCase | icase | Ignore case in symbols for non-key columns. |
IgnoreColumnsByMask | micolmask | Exclude columns from comparison by specifying a custom wildcard expression for their names. |
IgnoreComputedColumns | micomput | Ignore computed columns during comparison. |
IgnoreEndOfLine | ieol | Ignore end of line character during comparison and synchronization. |
IgnoreLeadingSpaces | ilspaces | Ignore white spaces in the beginning of the strings during comparison and synchronization. |
IgnoreMicroseconds | imsec | Ignore microseconds in TIME, DATETIME, and TIMESTAMP datatypes. |
IgnoreTrailingSpaces | itspaces | Ignore white spaces in the end of the strings during comparison and synchronization. |
IgnoreWhiteSpace | ispaces | Ignore white spaces. |
IncludeDifferencesPerColumns | incdiffcols | Include differences per columns. |
IncludeObjectsByMask | miobjmask | Include tables or views from comparison by specifying a custom wildcard expression for their names. |
IncludeOnlyColumnsWithChanges | inccolswchanges | Include into synchronization only columns with changes. |
IncludeSyncScript | incscript | Include synchronization script. |
IncludeUseDatabase | inud | Add the USE DATABASE statement to the script. |
IsEmptyStringEqualsNull | emptyeqnull | Treat NULL and EMPTY STRING as the same value for CHAR and VARCHAR values when comparing Source and Target. |
IsIgnoreTime | itime | Ignore time for DATETIME fields during comparison, e.g. values ‘1995-09-29 03:14:15’ and ‘1995-09-29 22:14:06’ will be considered as equal. |
MappingIgnoreCase | micase | Ignore case in objects names when mapping. |
MappingIgnoreSpaces | mispace | Ignore white spaces in objects names when mapping. |
MappingIgnoreUnderscores | miunder | Ignore underscores in object names when mapping. |
RoundFloatTypes | round | Specify the number of digits after the decimal point. |
ToleranceInterval | tol | Specify the module of difference between the values of source and target, if the tolerance interval does not exceed the specified value, the values are considered equivalent. |
UseCommitMode | commit | Insert the COMMIT statement after each user-defined number of DML statements. |
Below, you will find the list of comparison report options with their full and short command line names.
Full Name | Short Name | Option |
AppendTimestampReport | tsreport | Generate comparison reports with a timestamp |
DifferentPerColumns | diffpercolumns | Display the number of differences per column |
HideUnmodifiedColumns | hidecolumns | Hide the columns containing no differences |
IncludeComparisonSettings | incsettings | Include comparison settings into the synchronization script. |
IncludeObjectsData | incdata | Include objects data into the synchronization script. |
IncludeSyncWarnings | incwarnings | Include the comparison or synchronization warnings in the comparison report, if any |