Choosing Environment on Comparison Opening

The environment parameter sets the rules for choosing an environment when opening a comparison. Using this parameter, you can choose the type of environment to open - the standalone application or the Visual Studio add-in. The rules for choosing the environment for each parameter value are listed below. Note that the first condition that is satisfied is applied (conditions are listed by importance).


  1. Comparison in the instance of Visual Studio from where Code Compare has been called (unless the [/B] option has been turned on in the command line).
  2. Comparison in the instance of Visual Studio where the selected file is included into a project.
  3. Any of the already running instances of Code Compare.
  4. Any of the already running instances of Visual Studio.
  5. A new instance of Code Compare.


  1. Comparison in the instance of Visual Studio from where Code Compare has been called (unless the [/B] option has been turned on in the command line).
  2. Comparison in the instance of Visual Studio where the selected file is included into a project.
  3. Any of the already running instances of Visual Studio.
  4. A new instance of Visual Studio.


  1. Any of the already running instances of Code Compare.
  2. A new instance of Code Compare.


The Environment Choice dialog will be shown, if the environment parameter has not been set and more then one environment is open.