Component List

This topic presents a brief description of the components included in the Universal Data Access Components library. Click on the name of each component for more information. These components are added to the UniDAC page of the Component palette except for TCRBatchMove and TVirtualTable components. They are added to the Data Access page of the Component palette.

UniDAC component list

UniConnection TUniConnection Lets you set up and control connections to different servers.
TUniEncryptor TUniEncryptor Represents data encryption and decryption in client application.
UniTransaction TUniTransaction Provides discrete transaction control over sessions. Can be used to manipulate both simple and distributed transactions for certain providers.
UniQuery TUniQuery Uses SQL statements to retrieve data from tables and pass it to one or more data-aware components through a TDataSource object. This component provides a mechanism for updating data.
UniTable TUniTable Lets you retrieve and update data in a single table without writing SQL statements.
UniStoredProc TUniStoredProc Executes stored procedures and functions. Lets you edit cursor data returned as parameter.
UniSQL TUniSQL Executes SQL statements, and stored procedures, which do not return datasets.
UniScript TUniScript Executes sequences of SQL statements, and provides control over the execution process.
UniMetaData TUniMetaData Allows to retrieve embracing metadata on specified SQL object
UniUpdateSQL TUniUpdateSQL Lets you tune update operations for a DataSet component.
UniDataSource TUniDataSource Provides an interface for connecting data-aware controls on a form and UniDAC dataset components.
UniLoader TUniLoader Provides quick loading data to a database.
UniDump TUniDump Serves to store a database or its parts as a script and also to restore database from received script.
UniMonitor TUniSQLMonitor Interface for monitoring dynamic SQL execution.
UniConnectionDialog TUniConnectDialog Allows you to build custom prompts for provider name, server name, port number, database, user name, and password.
UniAlerter TUniAlerter Used to send and receive database events.
VirtualTable TVirtualTable Dataset that stores data in memory. This component is placed on the Data Access page of the Component palette.
VirtualDataSet TVirtualDataSet Dataset that processes arbitrary non-tabular data.
TVirtualQuery TVirtualQuery Dataset that allows to use SQL statements to retrieve data from in-memory datasets or simultaneously from several different RDBMS'es.
CRBatchMove TCRBatchMove Transfers data between all types of TDataSet descendants. This component is placed on the Data Access page of the Component palette.

UniDAC Database providers

AccessUniProvider TAccessUniProvider Links the Access provider to an application.
AdvantageUniProvider TAdvantageUniProvider Links the Advantage provider to an application.
ASEUniProvider TASEUniProvider Links the ASE provider to an application.
DB2UniProvider TDB2UniProvider Links the DB2 provider to an application.
DBFUniProvider TDBFUniProvider Links the DBF provider to an application.
TExcelUniProvider TExcelUniProvider Links the Excel provider to an application.
InterBaseUniProvider TInterBaseUniProvider Links the InterBase provider to an application.
MongoDBUniProvider TMongoDBUniProvider Links the MongoDB provider to an application.
MySQLUniProvider TMySQLUniProvider Links the MySQL provider to an application.
NexusDBUniProvider TNexusDBUniProvider Links the NexusDB provider to an application.
ODBCUniProvider TODBCUniProvider Links the ODBC provider to an application.
OracleUniProvider TOracleUniProvider Links the Oracle provider to an application.
PostgreSQLUniProvider TPostgreSQLUniProvider Links the PostgreSQL provider to an application.
RedshiftUniProvider TRedshiftUniProvider Links the Amazon Redshift provider to an application.
SQLServerUniProvider TSQLServerUniProvider Links the SQL Server provider to an application.
SQLiteUniProvider TSQLiteUniProvider Links the SQLite provider to an application.

UniDAC Cloud providers

BigCommerceUniProvider TBigCommerceUniProvider Links the BigCommerce provider to an application.
DynamicsCRMUniProvider TDynamicsCRMUniProvider Links the Dynamics CRM provider to an application.
FreshBooksUniProvider TFreshBooksUniProvider Links the FreshBooks provider to an application.
GBQueryUniProvider TBigQueryUniProvider Links the Google BigQuery provider to an application.
GHubSpotUniProvider THubSpotUniProvider Links the HubSpot provider to an application.
MagentoUniProvider TMagentoUniProvider Links the Magento provider to an application.
MailChimpUniProvider TMailChimpUniProvider Links the MailChimp provider to an application.
NetSuiteUniProvider TNetSuiteUniProvider Links the NetSuite provider to an application.
QuickBooksUniProvider TQuickBooksUniProvider Links the QuickBooks provider to an application.
SalesforceUniProvider TSalesforceUniProvider Links the Salesforce provider to an application.
SalesforceMCUniProvider TSalesforceMCUniProvider Links the Salesforce MC provider to an application.
SugarCRMUniProvider TSugarCRMUniProvider Links the SugarCRM provider to an application.
ZohoCRMUniProvider TZohoCRMUniProvider Links Zoho CRM provider to an application.
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