A component for setting up and controlling connection to such database servers as Oracle, SQL Server, MySQL, InterBase, Firebird, and PostgreSQL.
For a list of all members of this type, see TUniConnection members.
TUniConnection = class(TCustomDAConnection);
TUniConnection component is used to maintain connection to databases such as Oracle, SQL Server, MySQL, InterBase, Firebird, and PostgreSQL. Before connect you should provide connection settings such as ProviderName, Server, Username, Password, Port, and Database. Some extended connection options can be specified with the TUniConnection.SpecificOptions. Set of properties that have to be assigned vary depending on used provider (the ProviderName property). To establish a database connection, it is necessary to call the TCustomDAConnection.Connect method or set the Connect property to True. There are also many properties at the connection level that affect default behavior of the queries executed within this session. Furthermore, you can control transactions using methods of this class.
All components which are dedicated to perform data access, such as TUniQuery, TUniSQL, TUniScript, must have their Connection property assigned with one of TUniConnection instances.