Finding and Replacing Text

You can find and replace text using Find and Replace window. To open this window press CTRL+ or CTRL+H. These techniques allow you to control the scope of find and replace and choose the method of reviewing search matches and replacements.

You should consider the following information when you search and replace text:

  • Options set in the Find and Replace window are global; certain options selected in one dialog box are selected for all the dialogs. These options are Match case, Match whole word, Search all open documents, Search hidden text, Search up, Wildcards, and Regular Expressions.

  • Undo is available only for documents left open after a replace operation.

  • Undo for a Replace All operation rolls back all replacement changes in the current document.

You can search one or more open files or windows and move through the search matches one by one using the Find and Replace window. This technique allows you to review each individual search match in the context of the text around the match.

To search current document, current project, or all open documents:

  1. Open the items you wish to search.

  2. Press CTRL+F and switch to Find mode if necessary.

  3. In the Look in box, select ‘Current Document’, ‘Current Project’ or ‘All Open Documents’.

  4. In the Find what text box, enter the text you intend to search for.

  5. Select additional search options to increase the accuracy of the search.

  6. Click Find Next to start the search and continue choosing Find Next until the last file has been searched.


You may search in the Output or Data Viewer and Editor windows in the same way. Just select Current Window on the step 3. In the Data Viewer and Editor window you may search both hex code and text. Hex code can be searched only when no wildcards or regular expressions are used.

When the search passes the beginning or end of the document, a message is displayed in the status bar. A message box appears when the search reaches the starting point of the search.

To replace in the current document or in all open documents:

  1. Open the items you wish to search.

  2. Press CTRL+H and switch to Replace mode if necessary.

  3. In the Look in box, select ‘Current Document’, ‘Current Project’ or ‘All Open Documents’.

  4. In the Find what text box, enter the text you intend to search for.

  5. In the Replace with text box, enter the text with which you intend to replace the search text.

  6. Click Replace and continue clicking Replace until the last match in the last file has been replaced. Use Find Next to skip a match you do not want to replace.

You may click Replace All to replace all matches. A message box appears, listing the total number of replacements. The Replace All command replaces all search matches, including those you have skipped with the Find Next button. To reverse Replace All, choose Undo from the Edit menu in each changed file before closing any of the files.

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