Manipulating Tabs and Documents

The topic describes how to manipulate tabs and documents in dbForge Studio for Oracle.

Each SQL document includes different representations of the content—document views.

The current and other available views are shown on the bottom pane of the document. To add a view to the pane, click Open document view (the plus icon) and select the required view from the list.

You can change a view as follows:

  • To switch to a specific view, click the view name.
  • To cycle through available views, press the F7 key.


You can change the shortcut for cycling through available document views.

  1. Go to Tools > Options > Environment > Keyboard.

  2. In the Show commands containing field, enter Window.NextDocView.

  3. Click inside the Press shortcut keys field, press the desired keys on your keyboard, and click Assign.

Switching Between Tabs

To go to another open tab (document), use the following key combinations:

  • Ctrl+Tab: Switches to a previously used tab. Pressing Ctrl+Tab again returns you to the current tab. If you press Tab while holding Ctrl, you can select which tab to open by cycling through the recent tabs.
  • Ctrl+Shift+Tab: Cycles through the recent tabs. If you press Tab while holding Ctrl+Shift, you can select which tab to open by cycling through the recent tabs in reverse order.
  • Ctrl+Alt+Page Up: Moves to the next tab (right).
  • Ctrl+Alt+Page Down: Moves to the previous tab (left).


You can change the shortcut for switching between tabs:

  1. Go to Tools > Options > Environment > Keyboard.

  2. In the Show commands containing field, enter Window.NextTab or Window.PreviousTab.

  3. Click inside the Press shortcut keys field, press the desired keys on your keyboard, and click Assign.

Other ways to switch between tabs:

  • Click a tab title.
  • Click the down arrow in the upper-right corner of the document area and select a tab name from the list.
  • Select a tab from the Window menu.
  • Select a tab from the Windows dialog and click Activate.

Restoring Tabs

Starting from dbForge Studio for Oracle v3.6, the restoring of open tabs has been enabled. If you accidentally close the application or it stops responding and closes, document tabs will be saved to cash and restored when you open dbForge Studio again.

To customize the restore options, go to Tools > Options > Environment > Documents > Restore and adjust the settings:

  • General—The time interval at which the restore information is saved automatically.
  • Restorable File Types—The types of files to be saved and restored.

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