Devart Source Tutorial - Loading Data from Salesforce

This tutorial requires SQL Server Integration Services 2012 or higher with SQL Server Data Tools installed. You need to add them yourself as described in Installation and Requirements.

This tutorial demonstrates how to use Devart Salesforce Source component to extract data from Salesforce.

ExpandedToggleIcon        Adding Data Flow Components

For the purpose of this tutorial, we create a Devart Salesforce Source and an OLE DB Destination.

1.After you have created a new Integration Services project, in the Control Flow tab, drag Data Flow Task from the SSIS Toolbox window and to the design area. The Data Flow Task is created.
2.Switch to the Data Flow tab, go to the Toolbox docking window, in the Data Flow Sources list select Devart Salesforce Source and drag it to the design area.
3.From the SSIS Toolbox window drag OLE DB Destination to the design area.


ExpandedToggleIcon        Creating Connections

For this example we need two connections - one for the Devart Salesforce Source, the other one for the OLE DB Destination. To create a connection for Salesforce, do the following:

1.Right-click in the Connection Managers pane and select New Connection from the shortcut menu. The Add SSIS Connection Manager dialog box is displayed:
2.In the Connection manager type list click DevartSalesforce and click Add. The Devart Salesforce Connection Manager Editor dialog box is displayed.
3.Specify the User name (email address) and Password, and Security Token you have received when registering at the Salesforce website. If necessary, click Advanced and specify other connection parameters.

The connection for the Salesforce database is now created.

To create a connection for the OLE DB Destination we do the following:

1.Right-click the Connection Managers pane and select New Connection from the shortcut menu. The Add SSIS Connection Manager dialog box is displayed.
2.In the Connection manager type list select OLEDB and click Add. The Configure OLE DB Connection Manager dialog box is displayed.
3.Click New. The Connection Manager dialog box is displayed; fill in the connection settings as required, e.g. as follows:
4.Click OK.
5.The Configure OLE DB Connection Manager dialog box is displayed again, click OK.

The connection for the OLE DB Source is now created.


ExpandedToggleIcon        Configuring DataFlow Components

After the two required connections are created, we can proceed to customizing the data flow components.

In this example, we will also show how to create and use a variable. To create a variable perform the following steps:

1.Right-click the design surface and then click Variables.
2.The Variables window is displayed. On the Variables window toolbar click the Add Variable button.
3.A new variable is created and displayed in the window. Rename it as required, then in the Properties window set the variable properties.

In this example we call the variable 'AccountName' and set the following properties:

ValueType = String 
Value = GenePoint

other properties are left set to their default values.

Now we proceed to customizing the Devart Salesforce Source.

1.Double-click the Devart Salesforce Source data flow object.
2.The Devart Salesforce Source Editor dialog box is displayed. Select the created Devart Salesforce Connection Manager in the Salesforce Connection list.
3.Drag the required table (in our example we use the Account table) from the Tables area to the Query area:
4.Then we add a WHERE clause and drag the variable we have previously created from the User node of the Variables area to the Query area.
5.We may also edit the query in such a way that only the necessary columns are selected. Thus, we get the following query:
6.Click the Preview Data button to view the result of the query execution. The Preview Data window is displayed:
7.Click Close to return to the Devart Salesforce Source Editor dialog box.
8.In the editor dialog box click OK.

If all options are set correctly, the red marker on the data flow object disappears. Connect the two data flow objects with a Data Flow path and proceed to customizing the OLE DB Destination:

1.Right-click the OLE DB Destination data flow object. The Connection Manager tab of the OLE DB Destination Editor dialog box is displayed.
2.Specify the following settings in this tab:
3.Select the required connection in the OLE DB connection manager drop-down list;
4.Select Table or View in the Data access mode list;
5.Select the required database object name in the Name of the table or the view drop-down list.
6.Switch to the Mappings tab.
7.SSIS automatically maps columns having the same names. If necessary, specify mapping between the source and destination columns either using the Input Columns drop-down lists, or just by drawing lines between the corresponding columns:
8.Switch to the Error Output tab.
This tab allows you to specify in what way component failure should be treated; the following options are available: Fail component, Redirect row, Ignore failure.
9. After all options are set, click OK.

Make sure that the red marker is absent on the OLE DB Destination data flow object.


Right-click the design area and then click Execute Task. The green marks on the data flow objects indicate that the data flow process is completed successfully:
