TCustomMSDataSet.RefreshQuick Method

An optimized procedure to retrieve the changes applied to the server by other clients to the particular client side.




procedure RefreshQuick(const CheckDeleted: boolean);

if True, records deleted by other clients will be checked additionally. If False, remote records are not checked.


Call the RefreshQuick method to quickly retrieve to the client side changes applied to the server by other clients. The main difference between the RefreshQuick and Refresh methods is that RefreshQuick does not transfer to the client all data like the Refresh method does. The only rows that were added or modified from the moment of the last refresh are returned to a client. The necessity of data inquiry for each row is defined by the TIMESTAMP field. So the RefreshQuick method requires query to include a unique key fields and a TIMESTAMP field. If the CheckDeleted parameter value is True, records deleted by other clients will be checked additionally.

This method is especially effective for queries with huge data level in the single row.

This feature does not work with SQL Server Compact Edition.

Note: If RefreshQuick is called for a dataset which is ordered on the server (query includes the ORDER BY clause), dataset records ordering can be violated because not all records will be retrieved by this method. You can use local ordering to solve this problem. For more information about local ordering, see the TMemDataSet.IndexFieldNames property description.

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