
 TScRemoteCertificateValidationEvent = procedure (Sender: TObject; RemoteCertificate: TScCertificate; CertificateList: TList; var Errors: TScCertificateStatusSet) of object;


property OnServerCertificateValidation: TScRemoteCertificateValidationEvent;



The OnServerCertificateValidation event occurs when the server certificate is received from the TLS/SSL server.

When authenticating a TLS/SSL server, from the server comes set of certificates that must be signed by a CA certificate. If received certificate is not signed by the CA certificate, the Errors parameter of the OnServerCertificateValidation event handler will contain the information about errors. If the server certificate is signed by the CA certificate, the Errors set will be empty. A handler of this event can perform additional verifications to authenticate the server. If you trust the server, clear the Errors set and the connection will be established.



Sender - the object that raised the event;
RemoteCertificate - the certificate received from the server that identifies this one;
CertificateList - the list of server certificates received from the server;
Errors - TScSSLClient determines the value of the Errors parameter and passes it into this event. You can change the Errors value within this event handler. If Errors is empty, the server is considered valid, and the server authentication is considered successful. Otherwise, the server is considered invalid, and the connection is closed.


See Also



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