



 TScSSHAuthentication = (atPublicKey, atPassword, atKeyboardInteractive);

 TScSSHAuthentications = set of TScSSHAuthentication;



The TScSSHAuthentication enumeration represents authentication methods used by an SSH server to authenticate an SSH client.


atPublicKeySpecifies the authentication by the user's public key. Under this authentication method, the SSH server verifies user's the name and the client key. If a public key on the server corresponds to this user, the user can login to this server if he have a secret key. This method is considered more secure than atPassword, because the key is harder to crack. You should take care the key to be periodically regenerated and confidential delivered (see the Keys transferring topic).


atPasswordSpecifies the authentication by password. Under this authentication method, the server verifies the user name and password. The password should be pretty length to ensure high secure level. The long password name, the harder it to crack.


atKeyboardInteractiveSpecifies the keyboard-interactive authentication. Under this authentication method the server requests information that is needed for authentication. The amount of data can vary and is defined by particular realization of the SSH server. Also the server may request extra data after receiving user response (such request may be multiple). On each request the TScSSHClient.OnAuthenticationPrompt event is generated.


See also



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