
TScSFTPServerRetrieveAttributesEvent = procedure(Sender: TObject; SFTPSessionInfo: TScSFTPSessionInfo; const Path: string; FollowSymLink: boolean; const ReqAttrs: TScSFTPAttributes; Attributes: TScSFTPFileAttributes; var Error: TScSFTPError) of object;


property OnRetrieveAttributes: TScSFTPServerRetrieveAttributesEvent;



The OnRetrieveAttributes event occurs on request from an SFTP client to retrieve the attributes for a named file. The OnRetrieveAttributes event handler should receive the file attributes and write them to the Attributes object.

You can call the DefaultRetrieveAttributes method to execute this operation or write your own implementation.



Sender - the object whose event handler is called.
SFTPSessionInfo - contains the information about the current SFTP session.
Path - specifies the file system object for which attributes should be returned. To get an absolute file path, use the GetFullPath method.
FollowSymLink - specifies if the file follows symbolic links.
ReqAttrs - specifies the file attributes which should be retrieving.
Attributes - an object to which the attributes of the requested file should be written.
Error - a parameter to pass the information about an error that can arise when retrieving file attributes.


See also


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