
TScSFTPServerCreateLinkEvent = procedure(Sender: TObject; SFTPSessionInfo: TScSFTPSessionInfo; const LinkPath, TargetPath: string; Symbolic: boolean; var Error: TScSFTPError) of object;


property OnCreateLink: TScSFTPServerCreateLinkEvent;



The OnCreateLink event occurs on request from an SFTP client to create either hard or symbolic link.

You can call the DefaultCreateLink method to execute this operation or write your own implementation.



Sender - the object whose event handler is called.
SFTPSessionInfo - contains the information about the current SFTP session.
LinkPath - specifies the path name of the new link to create. To get an absolute file path, use the GetFullPath method.
TargetPath - specifies the path of an existing file system object to which the new-link-path should refer.
Symbolic - determines if the link will be a symbolic link, or a special file that redirects file system parsing to the resulting path. If Symbolic is false, the link should be a hard link, or a second directory entry referring to the same file or directory object.
Error - a parameter to pass the information about an error that can arise when creating a link.


See also


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