procedure DefaultCreateLink(SFTPSessionInfo: TScSFTPSessionInfo; const LinkPath, TargetPath: string; Symbolic: boolean; var Error: TScSFTPError); virtual;



Call the DefaultCreateLink method to create either hard or symbolic link.



SFTPSessionInfo - contains the information about the current SFTP session.
LinkPath - specifies the path name of the new link to create.
TargetPath - specifies the path of an existing file system object to which the new-link-path will refer.
Symbolic - determines if the link will be a symbolic link, or a special file that redirects file system parsing to the resulting path. If Symbolic is false, the link will be a hard link, or a second directory entry referring to the same file or directory object.
Error - returns the information about an error that can arise when creating a link.


See also


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