function RetrieveAbsolutePath(const Path: string; Control: TScSFTPRealpathControl = rcNoCheck; ComposePath: TStringList = nil): string;



Call the RetrieveAbsolutePath method to have the server canonize any given path name to an absolute path. This is useful for converting path names containing ".." components or relative path names without a leading slash into absolute paths.

If NonBlocking is False, RetrieveAbsolutePath returns absolute path. Otherwise it returns an empty string, and in order to obtain absolute path the OnFileName event should be processed. If the server returns an error, the OnError event is generated.



Path - original path which the client wants to be resolved into an absolute canonical path.
Control - the parameters of identifying the absolute path. This parameter is supported starting with the version 6 of the SFTP protocol.
ComposePath - the client may specify multiple elements, in which case the server should build the resulting path by applying each compose path to the accumulated result until all elements have been applied. This parameter is supported starting with the version 6 of the SFTP protocol.


See Also




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