
TScSFTPCreateLocalFileEvent = procedure(Sender: TObject; const LocalFileName, RemoteFileName: string; Attrs: TScSFTPFileAttributes; var Handle: THandle) of object;


property OnCreateLocalFile: TScSFTPCreateLocalFileEvent;



The OnCreateLocalFile event occurs when copying a file from remote machine to the local during the DownloadFile method call. When processing OnCreateLocalFile event, you should create a file and set required attributes for it. The handle of the created file should be specified in the Handle parameter.



Sender - the object that raised the event.
LocalFileName - the local path to copy the file to.
RemoteFileName - the path to the file (that should be copied) on the server.
Attrs - the object that holds the attributes of the file that is being copied (the original file).
Handle - set the handle of the created file as a value of this variable.


See Also


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