constructor Create(Owner: TComponent); overload; override;

constructor Create(const Url: string; const Transports: TScHttpTransportTypes = []; Logger: TScLogger = nil); reintroduce; overload;

constructor Create(const Url: string; const Transports: TScHttpTransportTypes; HttpConnectionOptions: TScHttpConnectionOptions; ReconnectPolicy: TScRetryPolicy; Logger: TScLogger); reintroduce; overload;



The Create method creates a TScHubConnection instance and initialize it with the specified properties.


The Url parameter is the address that identifies the Internet resource. The Url property is set from the value of this parameter.

The Transports parameter specifies what transports the client should use to send HTTP requests. The HttpConnectionOptions.Transports property is set from the value of this parameter.

The HttpConnectionOptions parameter determines the behavior of the SignalR client. The HttpConnectionOptions property is set from the value of this parameter.

The ReconnectPolicy parameter is the TScRetryPolicy object that determines the timing and number of automatic reconnect attempts. The ReconnectPolicy property is set from the value of this parameter.

The Logger parameter is the TScLogger object service that writes debug, error, informational and warning messages. The Logger property is set from the value of this parameter.


See Also







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