Used to specify the behaviour of TOraDataSetObject.
property Options: TOraDataSetOptions;
Set the properties of Options to specify the behaviour of a TOraDataSet object.
Descriptions of all options are in the table below.
Option Name | Description |
AutoClose |
Used to close OCI cursor after fetching all rows. |
CacheLobs |
Used to allocate local memory buffer to hold a copy of the Lob content. |
DefaultValues |
Used for TOraDataSet to fill the DefaultExpression property of TField objects by appropriate value. |
DeferredLobRead |
Used to fetch all Oracle 8 Lob values when they are explicitly requested. |
EnableBCD |
Used to enable currency type. Default value of this option is False. |
EnableFMTBCD |
Used to enable using FMTBCD instead of float for large integer numbers to keep precision. |
ExtendedFieldsInfo |
Used to perform an additional query to get information about returned fields and the tables they belong to. |
FieldsAsString |
Used to treat all non-BLOB fields as being of string datatype. |
FullRefresh |
Used to refresh fields of all tables by the RefreshRecord method. |
PrefetchLobSize |
Used to retrieve the LOB length and the LOB data beginning during regular fetch. |
PrefetchRows |
Used to set the number of rows to be prefetched during the execution of a query. |
PrepareUpdateSQL |
Used to automatically prepare update queries before execution. |
ProcNamedParams |
Used to specify a notation method of passing parameter values to the stored PL/SQL object. |
RawAsString |
Used to treat all RAW fields as being of string datatype. |
ReflectChangeNotify |
Used for a dataset component to refresh its data when it gets database change notification messages in response to DML or DDL changes on the objects associated with the dataset query. |
ScrollableCursor |
Used for TOraDataSet to use scrollable server cursor (available since Oracle 9 only) instead of caching data on the client side. |
StatementCache |
Used to get a value indicating whether Oracle resources assosiated with the current statement will be cached inside a session. |
TemporaryLobUpdate |
Temporary LOBs are used to write input and input/output LOB parameters into database when executing dataset's SQL statements. |
See Also