
dbForge Index Manager is an add-in for SQL Server Management Studio, which facilitates effortless index defragmentation in SQL Server databases.

This topic describes how to install dbForge Index Manager for SQL Server on Windows OS.

Download dbForge Index Manager

To download this product, visit the Devart website. Index Manager is available for a free trial as part of a bundle called dbForge SQL Tools. You can select which individual products to install when you run the installer.

Install dbForge Index Manager using the installation wizard

1. Run the downloaded sqltoolspro.exe file to begin the installation. Click Install to proceed.

Index Manager Installation

2. On the Select Destination page, select the directory where dbForge SQL Tools will be installed. To change the default directory, click Browse. To restore the default directory, click Restore default location. Optionally, click the License Agreement link to check the end-user license agreement for dbForge SQL Tools. If you agree to the Devart License Terms, click Next.

Index Manager Installation

3. On the Select Products page, you will see all SQL Tools selected for installation by default. You can select to perform full installation, install standalone tools, install add-ins, or perform a custom installation. You will find Index Manager among the add-ins. Select the tools you want to install and click Next.

Index Manager Installation

4. The installation commences. The wizard will extract the files and perform the application startup optimization. Allow it a couple of minutes to finish or, optionally, click Cancel to interrupt the installation. When the installation is completed, click Finish to exit the Setup wizard.

Index Manager Installation

5. After the installation, open SSMS. Index Manager will become accessible from the Object Explorer. Be aware that it may take a few minutes for all new options to appear in the SSMS interface.

Index Manager Installation

Install dbForge Index Manager using Chocolatey

You can download and install dbForge Index Manager using Chocolatey, which is a package manager for Windows. Before you start, ensure you have Chocolatey installed on your machine. If not, you can download it from the official website.

Once you have Chocolatey installed, you can follow these steps to install dbForge Index Manager:

1. Open PowerShell as Administrator. For this, right-click the Windows PowerShell app, and select Run as administrator.

2. Ensure that the Get-ExecutionPolicy is not restricted. For this, run


If it returns Restricted, then run

Set-ExecutionPolicy AllSigned


Set-ExecutionPolicy Bypass -Scope Process

This will allow PowerShell to run scripts for the current session.

3. Initiate the installation of dbForge Index Manager. For this, enter the following command in the PowerShell window and press Enter:

choco install dbforge-sql-im


dbForge Index Manager for SQL Server can be also downloaded and installed as part of the dbForge SQL Tools bundle, which includes 15 tools that extend Microsoft SSMS with multiple essential features. To download and install dbForge SQL Tools, run

choco install dbforge-sql-tools

4. Agree to run the script by pressing Y or A.

Install dbForge Index Manager using Chocolatey

5. Wait for installation to complete. Chocolatey will download the dbForge Index Manager for SQL Server package and install it on your computer.

6. Confirm the installation. Once the installation is complete, you can confirm it by running:

choco list --local-only

This command will list all the packages installed on your computer through Chocolatey. If the installation was successful, you should see dbforge-sql-im or dbforge-sql-tools in this list, depending which product you chose to install.

Install dbForge Index Manager using Chocolatey

Using Chocolatey, you can download and install all dbForge SQL tools at once. For more information, refer to How to Install 15 dbForge SQL Tools in 15 Minutes Using Chocolatey article.

Install dbForge Index Manager using PowerShell

To install the tool via PowerShell, use the following command:

Start-Process -FilePath $installerPath -ArgumentList $arguments -Wait
  • $installerPath is a variable containing the path to the installer file

  • $arguments is a variable containing command line arguments for installing in silent mode

  • Start-Process is the PowerShell command to start a process that includes the installer path and command line arguments

  • Wait is the command to wait for the installation to complete

Optionally, you can include the /verysilent parameter to perform the installation without displaying any messages and without any user’s intervention.

For example, the PowerShell command could look like this:

Start-Process -FilePath "D:\sqltoolspro.exe" -ArgumentList "/verysilent" -Wait