SQL*Plus Command Support

dbForge Fusion for Oracle supports some SQL * Plus commands in SQL code. Use these SQL* Plus commands just like usual SQL statements. These commands are supported in both full and short forms.

Supported commands

The list of supported SQL*Plus commands includes:

  • @
  • @@
  • CLEAR (CL)

If you try to execute script, containing unsupported SQL*Plus commands, warning messages will appear in the Error List and these commands will be ignored.

@, @@ - Runs the specified script. When debugging SQL scripts, you can step into scripts, called with @ or @@ commands. The Call Stack window will show stack of the documents. dbForge Fusion for Oracle does not support running scripts from URLs. You should use filename or filename with a path.

ACCEPT - Stores the input value in a given substitution variable. When dbForge Fusion for Oracle executes the ACCEPT command, it shows a dialog to enter a variable value. If you have specified a prompt, it will be displayed as the title of the dialog. Otherwise, default title “Assign value to variable <variable name> (<datatype>)” will be used. You can not use the NOPROMPT command option.

CLEAR - Clears the Output window.

CONNECT - Connects to the Oracle server. If the connection with entered connection parameters already exists, the existing connection will be opened. Otherwise, a new connection is created. If you have not specified the password, the connection dialog will appear. The CONNECT command in the form CONNECT user/password@host:port/sid creates the Direct connection.

DEFINE - Specifies a user or predefined variable and assigns a CHAR value to it, or lists the value of a single variable or all variables. If you use it to list variable value, it will be displayed in the Data window. Variables, declared with DEFINE can not be viewed in the Watches window when debugging.

DESCRIBE - Lists the column definitions for the specified table, view or synonym, or the parameter specifications for the specified function or procedure. The result is displayed in the Data window.

EXECUTE - Executes a single PL/SQL statement.

PROMPT - Displays specified text in the General pane of the Output window.

REMARK - Begins a comment.

VARIABLE - Declares a bind variable that can be referenced in PL/SQL or shows variable or all variables with their data types. The result is displayed in the Data window. Bind variables, declared with VARIABLE command, can be viewed in the Watches window when debugging.