User Interface

The user interface of each Studio delivers a versatile and customizable experience across SQL Server, MySQL, MariaDB, Oracle, and PostgreSQL database systems. Each Studio boasts a Start Page for quick access to main features, rich user settings, various UI skins, customizable window layouts, and tool windows with flexible modes. Users can also customize shortcuts, syntax highlighting, tabbed document groups, toolbars, and access a wizard for sharing common code standards and templates, tailoring the interface to their specific preferences and needs.

User Interface SQL Server MySQL and MariaDB Oracle        PostgreSQL
Start Page with fast access to main product features YES YES YES YES
Rich user settings YES YES YES YES
Customizable window layout YES YES YES YES
Tool windows with ‘auto-hide’ and ‘float’ modes YES YES YES YES
Multiple shortcut schemes with full shortcut customization YES YES YES YES
Syntax highlighting customization YES YES YES YES
Tabbed groups for documents YES YES YES YES
Toolbar customization YES YES YES YES
Wizard for sharing common code standards and templates YES YES YES YES

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