dotConnect for SugarCRM Documentation

The SYS_KEY_COLUMN_USAGE table contains information to match columns with constraints. It has the following columns:

Column Name

Data Type


CONSTRAINT_CATALOG VARCHAR(128) Top-level container for constraints. Not used in dotConnect for SugarCRM. Always NULL.
CONSTRAINT_SCHEMA VARCHAR(128) Second-level container for constraints. Not used in dotConnect for SugarCRM. Always NULL.
CONSTRAINT_NAME VARCHAR(128) The name of the constraint.
TABLE_CATALOG VARCHAR(128) Top-level container for tables. Not used in dotConnect for SugarCRM. Always NULL.
TABLE_SCHEMA VARCHAR(128) Second-level container for tables. Not used in dotConnect for SugarCRM. Always NULL.
TABLE_NAME VARCHAR(128) The name of the SugarCRM object which the field belongs to.
COLUMN_NAME VARCHAR(128) The name of a SugarCRM object field.
ORDINAL_POSITION INT The position of the field in the key.