SugarLoader component is used for bulk uploading a large number of records to SugarCRM.
To start uploading data, create a SugarLoader component. Then you may tweak its BatchSize property. BatchSize property determines a maximal number of records in a batch. After this you need to specify columns to load data. You may do it either manually, using the Columns property, or you may use the CreateColumns method to retrieve table columns information from the table specified in the TableName property. Then call the Open method and use the SetValue method to set values for the row fields. To switch to the next row, call the NextRow method.
After you have finished loading data, call the Close method. This mthod sends the last batch to the server.
The following example demonstrates using the SugarLoader class.
After calling the Close method you can retrieve the results of data loading operation as an array of structs with the GetResults method.