Type mapping rules from this table are used when generating a model from a data source with Entity Data Model Wizard in Visual Studio 2010 - 2022 and Create Model Wizard in Entity Developer.
Provider Data Type | SSDL1 | CSDL1 | .NET |
BOOLEAN | boolean | Boolean | System.Boolean |
SHORT | short | Int16 | System.Int16 |
INT | int | Int32 | System.Int32 |
LONG | long | Int64 | System.Int64 |
BYTE | byte | Byte | System.Byte |
SBYTE | sbyte | SByte | System.SByte |
SINGLE | single | Single | System.Single |
DOUBLE | double precision | Double | System.Double |
DECIMAL | decimal | Decimal | System.Decimal |
CURRENCY | decimal | Decimal | System.Decimal |
DATE | date | DateTime | System.DateTime |
TIME | time | Time | System.DateTime |
DATETIME | datetime | DateTime | System.DateTime |
DATETIME2 | datetime | DateTime | System.DateTime |
DATETIMEOFFSET | datetimeoffset | DateTimeOffset | System.DateTimeOffset |
STRING | string | String | System.String |
GUID | guid | Guid | System.Guid |
BINARY | binary | Binary | System.Byte[] |
1 Applicable only to Entity Framework v1 - v6. Not applicable to Entity Framework Core, because Entity Framework Core does not support XML mapping.