dotConnect for QuickBooks Online Documentation
Updating Data

You can update the QuickBooks Online data either by modifying data returned by the QuickBooksDataAdapter class and then calling its Update method or by performing corresponding DML statements (INSERT, DELETE, UPDATE) via QuickBooksCommand.

Here is an example showing how to update QuickBooks Online data using QuickBooksDataAdapter.

using Devart.Data.QuickBooks;
class Program

    static void Main(string[] args) {

        const string connectionString = "Company Id=1234567890;Access " +
            "Token=asdqerTYUJcom5DSKL0djSSBEEFcJohjCGXixTTOM4Z8UpiX;Access Token " +
            "Secret=ojVArHdmHagedPRIIVtP8DCQNUbGkloK7Rgct59x;Consumer " +
            "Key=vbnrdKcCHaccybn1fbwje3UJLOJm1e;Consumer Secret=649QYsbe76LfeFbhajG6ccaeG8pobxbkiL1De0DS;";
        const string sql = "SELECT Id, DisplayName FROM Customer";

        using (QuickBooksConnection connection = new QuickBooksConnection(connectionString)) {

            DataTable table = new DataTable("Customer");

            using (QuickBooksCommand command = connection.CreateCommand()) {

                command.CommandText = sql;
                using (QuickBooksDataAdapter adapter = new QuickBooksDataAdapter(command)) {


                    adapter.UpdateCommand = new QuickBooksCommand("UPDATE Customer SET DisplayName = @name WHERE Id = @id", connection);
                    adapter.UpdateCommand.Parameters.Add("id", DbType.String).SourceColumn = "Id";
                    adapter.UpdateCommand.Parameters["id"].SourceVersion = DataRowVersion.Original;
                    adapter.UpdateCommand.Parameters.Add("name", DbType.String).SourceColumn = "DisplayName";

                    DataRow firstrow = table.Rows[0];
                    firstrow["DisplayName"] = "sample name 1";
            Console.WriteLine("Rows after update.");

            foreach (DataRow row in table.Rows) {
                Console.WriteLine("{0}\t{1}", row[0], row[1]);

Imports Devart.Data.QuickBooks
Module Module1

        Const connectionString As String = "Company Id=1234567890;Access " & _
            "Token=asdqerTYUJcom5DSKL0djSSBEEFcJohjCGXixTTOM4Z8UpiX;Access Token " & _
            "Secret=ojVArHdmHagedPRIIVtP8DCQNUbGkloK7Rgct59x;Consumer " & _
            "Key=vbnrdKcCHaccybn1fbwje3UJLOJm1e;Consumer Secret=649QYsbe76LfeFbhajG6ccaeG8pobxbkiL1De0DS;"

        Using connection As New QuickBooksConnection(connectionString)

            Dim table As New DataTable("Customer")

            Using command As QuickBooksCommand = connection.CreateCommand()

                command.CommandText = sql
                Using adapter As New QuickBooksDataAdapter(command)

                    adapter.UpdateCommand = New QuickBooksCommand("UPDATE Customer SET DisplayName = @name WHERE Id = @id", connection)

                    adapter.UpdateCommand.Parameters.Add("id", DbType.String).SourceColumn = "Id"
                    adapter.UpdateCommand.Parameters("id").SourceVersion = DataRowVersion.Original
                    adapter.UpdateCommand.Parameters.Add("name", DbType.String).SourceColumn = "DisplayName"

                    Dim firstrow As DataRow = table.Rows(0)
                    firstrow("DisplayName") = "sample name 1"

                    Console.WriteLine("Rows after update.")
                    For Each row As DataRow In table.Rows
                        Console.WriteLine(row(0).ToString() & vbTab & row(1))
                End Using
            End Using
        End Using
    End Sub

End Module

The following example updates QuickBooks Online data using QuickBooksCommand.

using Devart.Data.QuickBooks;
class Program

    static void Main(string[] args) {

        const string connectionString = "Company Id=1234567890;Access " +
            "Token=asdqerTYUJcom5DSKL0djSSBEEFcJohjCGXixTTOM4Z8UpiX;Access Token " +
            "Secret=ojVArHdmHagedPRIIVtP8DCQNUbGkloK7Rgct59x;Consumer " +
            "Key=vbnrdKcCHaccybn1fbwje3UJLOJm1e;Consumer Secret=649QYsbe76LfeFbhajG6ccaeG8pobxbkiL1De0DS;";
        const string sql = "UPDATE Customer SET Title = 'sample title 1' WHERE DisplayName = 'sample name 1'";

        using (QuickBooksConnection connection = new QuickBooksConnection(connectionString)) {

            using (QuickBooksCommand command = connection.CreateCommand()) {

                command.CommandText = sql;
Imports Devart.Data.QuickBooks
Module Module1

    Sub Main()

        Const connectionString As String = "Company Id=1234567890;Access " & _
            "Token=asdqerTYUJcom5DSKL0djSSBEEFcJohjCGXixTTOM4Z8UpiX;Access Token " & _
            "Secret=ojVArHdmHagedPRIIVtP8DCQNUbGkloK7Rgct59x;Consumer " & _
            "Key=vbnrdKcCHaccybn1fbwje3UJLOJm1e;Consumer Secret=649QYsbe76LfeFbhajG6ccaeG8pobxbkiL1De0DS;"
        Const sql As String = "UPDATE Customer SET Title = 'sample title 1' WHERE DisplayName = 'sample name 1'"

        Using connection As New QuickBooksConnection(connectionString)

            Using command As QuickBooksCommand = connection.CreateCommand()

                command.CommandText = sql
            End Using
        End Using
    End Sub

End Module

See Also

Entity Framework  | Retrieving Data