dotConnect for QuickBooks Online Documentation

The SYS_REFERENTIAL_CONSTRAINTS table contains additional information about foreign keys. It has the following columns:

Column Name

Data Type


CONSTRAINT_CATALOG VARCHAR(128) Top-level container for constraints. Not used in dotConnect for QuickBooks Online. Always NULL.
CONSTRAINT_SCHEMA VARCHAR(128) Second-level container for constraints. Not used in dotConnect for QuickBooks Online. Always NULL.
CONSTRAINT_NAME VARCHAR(128) The name of the foreign key constraint.
UNIQUE_CONSTRAINT_CATALOG VARCHAR(128) Top-level container for referenced constraints. Not used in dotConnect for QuickBooks Online. Always NULL.
UNIQUE_CONSTRAINT_SCHEMA VARCHAR(128) Second-level container for referenced constraints. Not used in dotConnect for QuickBooks Online. Always NULL.
UNIQUE_CONSTRAINT_NAME VARCHAR(128) The name of the referenced constraint.
MATCH_OPTION VARCHAR(7) Always "NONE". Not used in dotConnect for QuickBooks Online.
UPDATE_RULE VARCHAR(9) Always "NO ACTION". Not used in dotConnect for QuickBooks Online.

Action to perform when SQL statement violates this referential constraint. Can have one of the following values:

  • NO ACTION - the DELETE on the referenced primary key will not affect the foreign key.
  • CASCADE - the DELETE on the referenced primary key will cause the cascade DELETEs of all the records, having the same values of the foreign key.
OBJECT VARCHAR(128) The name of the table, this foreign key belongs to.
FIELD VARCHAR(128) The foreign key column.
RELATED_OBJECT VARCHAR(128) The name of the table, this foreign key references.
RELATED_FIELD VARCHAR(128) The name of the field, this foreign key references. Always "ID"