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    Stored Function Returning REF CURSOR
    In This Topic

    This topic is applicable to Entity Framework v1 - v6. It is not applicable to Entity Framework Core because Entity Developer generates ADO.NET code for invoking stored procedures in this case.

    In this chapter we consider an usage of stored functions with ORM tools.

    Function creation

    Code of the function:

      OPEN cur FOR
      SELECT *
        FROM DEPT
      RETURN cur;

    Devart Entity Developer

    Expand the connection node in the Database Explorer, then your schema node and then the Functions node. Drag the GET_DEPT_FUNC to the diagram sheet. The function will be created in the storage model, and its following attributes will be set:

    Corresponding method will be automatically created in the conceptual model. However, you need to set the return type for it manually. To do this perform the following actions:

    1. Double-click the method in the Model Explorer.
    2. Click Entities and then select DEPT from the Entities drop-down list.

      Method Editor
    3. Click OK.

    You also may drag the function from Database Explorer to the storage model node in the Model Explorer. In such case only the storage model is updated, the corresponding method is not created. To create corresponding method, drag the function from the Model Explorer to the diagram sheet or right-click it in the Model Explorer and select Create Method from the popup menu.

    Microsoft EDM Wizard and EDM Designer

    After we have added GET_DEPT_FUNC function to the model, the following XML was generated for it.
    <Function Name="GET_DEPT_FUNC" ReturnType="REF CURSOR" Aggregate="false"
    BuiltIn="false" NiladicFunction="false" IsComposable="true"
    ParameterTypeSemantics="AllowImplicitConversion" Schema="SCOTT" />
    We need to perform some XML code changes manually to use this function in our model.
    1. Right-click the model and select Open With from the popup menu.
    2. Click XML Editor in the Choose the program you want to use to open this file box and then click OK.
    3. If the model was already opened in the model designer, Visual Studio will ask you whether to close the designer. Click Yes.
    4. Add the devart:IsConcealedFunction="true" attribute to the FUNCTION tag of the GET_DEPT_FUNC function.
    5. Replace the ReturnType="REF CURSOR" attribute with the devart:ReturnType="REF CURSOR"
    6. Change value of the IsComposable attribute from "true" to "false". The result XML for the function should look like this:

      <Function Name="GET_DEPT_FUNC" devart:IsConcealedFunction="true"
      devart:ReturnType="REF CURSOR" Aggregate="false" BuiltIn="false"
      NiladicFunction="false" IsComposable="false"
      ParameterTypeSemantics="AllowImplicitConversion" Schema="SCOTT" />
    7. Save the file and close it.
    8. Reopen it in the ADO.NET EDM Designer.
    9. Locate the GET_DEPT_FUNC in the Model Browser. Right-click it and select Create Function Import from the popup menu.
    10. In the Add Function Import dialog box click Entities and then select DEPT from the Entities drop-down list. You also may change the Function Import Name.


    11. Click OK.

    Using the Method

    This example illustrates call of the method, retrieving the first element of the collection of entities, and output to console. Object context name and case of the Depts class and its fields may differ in your case.

          using (SCOTTEntities context = new SCOTTEntities()) {
             Dept dept = context.GetDeptFunc().First();
             Console.WriteLine("Dept {0}: '{1}', '{2}'", dept.Deptno, dept.Dname, dept.Loc);

    	Using context = New SCOTTEntities
    		Dim dept As Dept =  context.GetDeptFunc().First()
    		Console.WriteLine("Dept {0}: '{1}', '{2}'", dept.Deptno, dept.Dname, dept.Loc)
    	End Using

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    See Also

    Entity Framework Tutorial  | Using Entity Data Model Wizard  | Stored Routines in Entity Framework Model  | Creating Database and Model  | Stored Procedure Returning Result Set using REF CURSOR Out Parameter  | Mapping CUD Operations to Stored Routines