This tutorial describes how to create tables, stored procedures and other objects at MySQL server.
In this walkthrough:
In order to create database objects you have to connect to server. This process is described in details in the tutorial Logging onto the server.
Database objects are created using Data Definition Language (DDL), which is a part of SQL. The DDL statements can be executed on server by account that has necessary privileges.
There are two ways to manipulate a database. You can build DDL statements manually and run them within MySQL Command Line Client or a component like MySqlCommand. Another way is to use IDE - visual shells that provide graphical user interface to manage database. We will discuss both ways.
CREATE TABLE dept ( deptno INT PRIMARY KEY, dname VARCHAR(14), loc VARCHAR(13) ) ENGINE = InnoDB;This will create first of the tables we'll use for tutorial purposes.
CREATE TABLE emp ( empno INT PRIMARY KEY, ename VARCHAR(10), job VARCHAR(9), mgr INT, hiredate DATETIME, sal FLOAT, comm FLOAT, deptno INT, CONSTRAINT emp_fk FOREIGN KEY (deptno) REFERENCES dept (deptno) ) ENGINE = InnoDB;This is another table we'll use.
Things are much simpler when you control them visually. The same statements can be executed without writing a line of code. This section describes how to manipulate database objects visually in dbForge Fusion for MySQL.
Note that dbForge Fusion has its own comprehensive documentation with tutorials. See contents of Visual Studio Help Collection for more information on using dbForge Fusion.
Actually there are lots of ways to create tables on server. Any tool or component that is capable of running a SQL query, can be used to manage database objects. For example, MySqlCommand suits fine for creating objects one by one, while MySqlScript is designed for executing series of DDL/DML statements. For information on DDL statements syntax refer to MySQL documentation.
Getting Started | dbForge Fusion for MySQL | MySqlCommand Class | MySqlScript Class