dotConnect for FreshBooks Documentation
Devart.Common Namespace / DbLoaderColumnCollection Class / Contains Method / Contains(DbLoaderColumn) Method
The value of the DbLoaderColumn object to find.

    Contains(DbLoaderColumn) Method
    Gets a value indicating whether a DbLoaderColumn object exists in the collection.
    Public Overloads Function Contains( _
       ByVal value As DbLoaderColumn _
    ) As Boolean


    The value of the DbLoaderColumn object to find.

    Return Value

    true if the collection contains the DbLoaderColumn; otherwise, false.
    The following example searches for a DbLoaderColumn within a DbLoaderColumnCollection. If the column exists, the example displays the index of the column. If the column does not exist, the example displays an error. This example assumes that a DbLoaderColumnCollection has already been created.
    public void SearchMyColumns() {
      // ...
      // create FreshBooksLoaderColumnCollection myColumns and FreshBooksLoaderColumn myNewColumn
      // ...
      if (!myColumns.Contains((Object) myNewColumn))
        MessageBox.Show("ERROR: no such column in the collection");
        MessageBox.Show("match on column #" +
          myColumns.IndexOf((Object) myNewColumn).ToString());
    Public Sub SearchMyColumns()
      ' ...
      ' create FreshBooksLoaderColumnCollection myColumns and FreshBooksLoaderColumn myNewColumn
      ' ...
      If Not myColumns.Contains(CType(myNewColumn, Object)) Then
        MessageBox.Show("ERROR: no such column in the collection")
        MessageBox.Show("match on column #" & myColumns.IndexOf(CType(myNewColumn, Object)).ToString())
      End If
    End Sub 'SearchMyColumns

    Target Platforms: Windows 7, Windows Vista SP1 or later, Windows XP SP3, Windows Server 2008 (Server Core not supported), Windows Server 2008 R2 (Server Core supported with SP1 or later), Windows Server 2003 SP2

    See Also