Please note that it is important to consider the value of this parameter in your connections and the corresponding settings of the Dynamics 365. In many cases Dynamics 365 may display different values than set or returned via dotConnect for Dynamics 365 because of different time zone settings in your SqlShimConnection and in Dynamics 365. For example, if you set UtcDates to true, and Dynamics 365 is configured to display datetime values in your local time, when you specify a datetime value in an INSERT or UPDATE statement, it is treated and sent to Dynamics 365 as a UTC value. When displaying this value in the Dynamics 365 interface, Dynamics 365 converts it to your local time, and thus displays a different value than the one that was specified in the INSERT or UPDATE statement.
The same is correct when selecting data. If UtcDates is set to true, and Dynamics 365 is configured to display datetime values in your local time, the date values returned via dotConnect for Dynamics 365 may differ from the values, displayed by Dynamics 365. This happens because in this example Dynamics 365 convertsthe values to your local time when displaying them, and dotConnect for Dynamics 365 doesn't.
Target Platforms: Windows 7, Windows Vista SP1 or later, Windows XP SP3, Windows Server 2008 (Server Core not supported), Windows Server 2008 R2 (Server Core supported with SP1 or later), Windows Server 2003 SP2