Structure | Description | |
DB2Binary | Represents a variable-length binary data to be stored in or retrieved from a database. | |
DB2Blob | Represents the DB2 BLOB data type. | |
DB2Clob | Represents the DB2 CLOB data type. | |
DB2Date | Represents the DB2 DATE data type. | |
DB2Decimal | Represents the DB2 DECIMAL data type. | |
DB2DecimalFloat | Represents the DB2 DECFLOAT data type that stores floating-point decimal values. | |
DB2Double | Represents the DB2 DOUBLE PRECISION and FLOAT data types. | |
DB2Int16 | Represents the DB2 SMALLINT data type. | |
DB2Int32 | Represents the DB2 INTEGER data type. | |
DB2Int64 | Represents the DB2 BIGINT data type. | |
DB2Real | Represents the DB2 REAL data type. | |
DB2Real370 | Represents the DB2® for OS/390® REAL data type, which is represented in IBM® 370 notation. | |
DB2RowId | Represents the DB2 ROWID data type. | |
DB2String | Represents a variable-length stream of characters to be stored in or retrieved from the database. | |
DB2Time | Represents the DB2 TIME data type. | |
DB2TimeStamp | Represents the DB2 TIMESTAMP data type. | |
DB2TimeStampOffset | Represents the DB2 TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE data type. | |
DB2Xml | Represents an DB2 XMLType instance. | |
DB2XsrObjectId | Represents an XML schema identifier. |