Replace text in files

Find what

In the Find and Replace window, type in the keyword you are looking for.

Find and Replace Files

Replace with

Specify the keyword that will be used to replace the search results.

Look in

Select the Include sub-folders if needed.

To choose search folders click . The Choose Search Folder window opens:

Choose Search Folder Window

1. To open a folder, simply double-click it.

2. In order to select or remove a particular folder, use the corresponding buttons.

3. The interface also allows you to choose the recently opened folders from the dropdown menu.

4. The button navigates you one directory up.

5. In case you would like to keep this particular set of folders for further use, you can save it under a custom name by clicking Apply. There can be more than one predefined set of folders. To remove a previously saved folder set, click Delete:

Save Folder Set

Find options

The Find options include:

  • Match case
  • Match whole word
  • Use: Regular Expressions/Wildcards

Match case

If this checkbox is selected, the search results will only contain the text from the Find what box matched both by content and by case.

Match the whole word

If selected, the search results will only contain the instances of the string specified in Find what that are matched in complete words.


Determines how to treat the special characters entered in the Find what box. There are two options: Regular Expressions and Wildcards.

Choose the file extension you are looking for:

  • .mdet
  • .rdb
  • .txt
  • .xml
  • .sqlplan
  • .sql
  • all of the above
  • any file type

Result options

The Result options include not only Display file names only but also the Keep modified files open after Replace All option.

Find Next, Replace, and Replace All buttons

1. By clicking Find Next, you will be able to see one search result at a time.

2. Replace allows you to replace one search result at a time.

3. Replace All allows to replace all the search results.