Most of the time you interact with a database by writing and executing SQL queries. In this way, SQL document is an essential part of every database tool in dbForge product line. It is a place where you create SQL statements in order to run them against a database server. This topic gives you an overview of SQL document layout, views, and functions.
Typically, to create a new SQL document you click New SQL on the main application toolbar.
The following image shows you what an SQL document looks like.
Each SQL document includes different representations of the content. They are called document views. On the above screen-shot you can see two document views: Text and Data.
Text view contains SQL editor which allows you to write SQL statements.
Data view, typically shown after a query is executed, displays a data editor with result sets returned by a database server.
To switch to specific view:
Click a button with view name on the bottom-panel of the document.
Right-click the bottom panel of the document to open pop-up menu and select the view from the list.
SQL document has two types of view layout: Split Layout and Combined Layout. To switch document layout use appropriate buttons at the bottom-right corner of the document.
In the split layout a document has one prominent (main) view which is aligned to the top of the document view port. Other views are called additional, they are displayed in the bottom area of the document view port.
Main view remains always in split layout visible and you can toggle only additional views. But you can see two views at a time to avoid unnecessary switching.
To temporary hide additional document views press Hide/Show additional document views button at the bottom-right corner of the document.
To change the main document view use Swap main and additional documents views button to swap the main view and active additional view.
In the combined layout you can see only one view at a time. A document view fills entire document view port. Typically, you need this layout when you a focusing on one specific document representation (for example, when you extensively work with data).