
ExpandedToggleIcon        Connection Dialog

To be successfully connected to SurveyMonkey you only have to specify a valid access token.

Access Token - A token generated for SurveyMonkey authorization and accessing your SurveyMonkey data.

Upon successful signing in to your SurveyMonkey account, you'll be able to find Information about the valid access token. So, if you don't have a valid access token, you need to create one.

With the help of SurveyMonkey the access token can be generated for either Private App or Public App authorization. However, Private App authentication is available for Enterprise users only.

Therefore. in this section we will dwell on obtaining the access token for Public App authorization type in more detail.

To obtain SurveyMonkey Public App Access Token, perform the following steps:

1.Sign up or sign in to your SurveyMonkey account on developer section of the website.
2.Go to My Apps tab and create a new app using the Add a New App button.
3.Next, enter all the required application details. To finalize the process of Public App creation, click the Create App button.
4.Go to the Settings tab of the newly created Public App.

Please note, that Public App deployment does not necessarily require publishing the app.

5.Scroll to the Scopes section of the page and enable all the required scopes. Keep in mind, that at least View Users scope should be enabled to ensure successful connection.
6.Now scroll again to reach the Credentials section of the page and copy the valid access token available in the Access Token property field.

Finally, you can use the Access Token to be successfully connected to SurveyMonkey.


In addition to the required options, Advanced connection options may be set for more fine connection tuning.

ExpandedToggleIcon        Advanced Connection Options

The following table describes the options that you can include in the Connection String using the Advanced Connection Editor dialog box:




Authentication Type

Determines the type of API authentication. Do not change this parameter.

Connection Lifetime

When a connection is returned to the pool, its creation time is compared with the current time, and the connection is destroyed if that time span (in seconds) exceeds the value specified by Connection Lifetime. The default value is 0 (connection always returns to pool).

Connection Timeout

The length of time (in seconds) to wait for a connection to the server before terminating the attempt and generating an error. The default value is 60.

Default Command Timeout

The time in seconds to wait while trying to execute a command before terminating the attempt and generating an error. The default value is 60.

Failover Retries

The number of retries to perform a command if it fails because of the exception, which indicates that the reason of a failure may be temporary. The default value is 7.

Initialization Command

Specifies a database-specific command executed right after opening the connection.

Local SQL Engine

Determines whether to enable local SQL processing (enabled by default). Local SQL processing allows performing complex SELECT statements that cannot be directly compiled to SurveyMonkey API calls. In this case the data from the mentioned cloud objects is queried to the local cache, and then the query is performed against the cache.

If local SQL processing is disabled, only simple SELECT statements that can be directly translated into SurveyMonkey API calls can be used. More complex SELECT statements will fail.

Max Pool Size

The maximum number of connections allowed in the pool. Setting the Max Pool Size value in the connection string can affect performance. The default value is 100.

Min Pool Size

The minimum number of connections allowed in the pool. The default value is 0.


Shortens too long names (e.g. table or column names) exceeding the 63-character limit. If the name is too long, the initial 51 characters are retained and an underscore and a hash are added to the name.


It stores authentication token.

Persist Security Info

Indicates if security-sensitive information, such as the password, is not returned as part of the connection if the connection is open or has ever been in an open state.


If true, by default, the connection is drawn from the appropriate pool or is created and added to the appropriate pool.

Proxy Host

The host name or IP address of proxy server.

Proxy Password

The password for the proxy server account.

Proxy Port

The port number of the proxy server. The default value is 3128.

Proxy User

The proxy server account name.


Indicates whether the connection is read-only (allows only SELECT statements).

Run Once Command

Specifies a command to execute when the connection is opened for the first time and not executed when the connection is taken from the pool.

Source Time Zone Info

Provides information about a specific local time zone.

Suppress Extended Requests

Reduces the number of API calls sent, may increase performance by significantly decreasing the number of API calls used.

Token Server

Specifies the location where new tokens are stored between sessions. This location serves as a storage place for access/refresh tokens, which are automatically refreshed by the provider as soon as the current token expires. You can specify the URL to the token server or the path to a file or a registry key, where temporary tokens will be stored.


The Shopify user name to login with. Devart ADO.NET is the default value. Used for logging server-side requests allowing identification of the request sender. If nothing is specified, the user agent value 'Devart ADO.NET' will be sent in return.


API URL. Do not change this parameter value.


Not used for SurveyMonkey. Do not change this parameter value.

UTC Dates

If set to True, dates will be converted to UTC format during import, and the date values entered by the user (in SELECT statements, etc.) are considered UTC dates when sending them to the data source.