
 TScSFTPDataEvent = procedure(Sender: TObject; const FileName: string; const Handle: TScSFTPFileHandle; FileOffset: Int64; const Buffer: TBytes; Offset, Count: Integer; EOF: Boolean) of object;


property AfterWriteData: TScSFTPDataEvent;



The AfterWriteData event occurs after data is written to a remote file when executing the WriteFile method. TScSFTPClient sends data by pieces of WriteBlockSize size on uploading file, therefore the AfterWriteData event may occur several times during one call of this method.



Sender - the object that raised the event.
FileName - the name of the file in which the data is being written.
Handle - handle of the file, in which data was written.
FileOffset - the offset in bytes relative to the beginning of the file that the writing started at.
Buffer - the buffer which holds the data write to the file. It can hold the nil value if EOF is True.
Offset - the position in the buffer that indicates the beginning of the written data.
Count - the amount of data sent in bytes.
EOF - indicates that the end of file was reached. If EOF value is True, the end of file was reached. Otherwise it was not reached.


Note, when using the AfterWriteData event handler, the onSuccess event is not triggered on Operation = opWritingFile.

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