



 TScSFTPBlockMode = (bmRead, bmWrite, bmDelete, bmAdvisory);

 TScSFTPBlockModes = set of TScSFTPBlockMode;



The TScSFTPBlockMode enumeration represents blocking modes used by an SFTP protocol.


bmReadthe server guarantees that no other handle has been opened with TScSFTPDesiredAccessItem.amReadData access, and that no other handle will be opened with amReadData access until the client closes the handle. This applies both to other clients and to other processes on the server.
bmWritethe server guarantees that no other handle has been opened with TScSFTPDesiredAccessItem.amReadData or TScSFTPDesiredAccessItem.amWriteData access, and that no other handle will be opened with amReadData or amWriteData access until the client closes the handle. This applies both to other clients and to other processes on the server.
bmDeletethe server guarantees that no other handle has been opened with TScSFTPDesiredAccessItem.amDelete access opened with the ofDeleteOnClose flag set, and that no other handle will be opened with the amDelete access or with the ofDeleteOnClose flag set, and that the file itself is not deleted in any other way until the client closes the handle.
bmAdvisoryif this flag is set, the above block modes are advisory. In the advisory mode, only other kinds of access that specify a block mode need to be considered when determining whether the BLOCK can be granted, and the server does not prevent I/O operations that violate the block mode.


See also




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