procedure InvokeObj(const MethodName: string; const Args: array of TObject; const ReturnType: TVarType; out Res: Variant); overload;

procedure InvokeObj(const MethodName: string; const Args: array of TObject; const ReturnClass: TClass; out Res: TObject); overload;

procedure InvokeObj(const MethodName: string; const Args: array of TObject); overload;



The InvokeObj method invokes a hub method on the server using the specified method name, arguments and return type. The InvokeObj method, unlike Send, waits till the server method completes and returns.


MethodName is the name of the server method to invoke.

Args is the arguments used to invoke the server method.

ReturnType is the return type of the server method.

Res is the hub method return value.


See Also





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