property RequestStream: TStream;



The RequestSteam property gets or sets a stream that is used to write the request data. This property can be only set if SendChunked is set to True and Method is not rmGET or rmHEAD.

If the value of RequestStream is not empty and SendChunked is set to False, HttpException will be raised.

When request data is sent to the HTTP server (that is performed by the GetResponse method), TScHttpWebRequest reads data from the RequestStream object in blocks of size specified in the SendBlockSize property and sends this chunk to the server. The number of bytes of request data to be sent is specified in the ContentLength property.

When RequestStream is not set and SendChunked is set to True, TScHttpWebRequest checks if the OnGetNextChunkData event handler is set - if OnGetNextChunkData is not set, HttpException is raised.


See also





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