property OnGetTicketNameAndPassword: TScGetTicketNameAndPasswordEvent;
TScGetTicketNameAndPasswordEvent = procedure (Sender: TObject; out TicketName, Password: TBytes) of object;
Occurs when a "New Session Ticket" message is sent to the client during the HTTPS handshake to get TicketName and Password that will be used to encrypt the contents of the ticket.
A New Session Ticket can be initialized automatically or manually in the OnCreateNewSessionTicket event. When OnCreateNewSessionTicket is not set, a ticket will be initialized automatically.
When a ticket is created automatically, the contents of the ticket should be encrypted. Should users wish to set their own password, they can do it via the event handler OnGetTicketNameAndPassword. The OnGetPasswordByTicketName event, which will be triggered to decode the session state, should return Password for Ticket.