procedure Dowload(const SourceFile, DestFile: string; Overwrite: boolean = False; StartPos: Int64 = -1); overload;

procedure Dowload(const SourceFile: string; Dest: TStream; StartPos: Int64 = -1); overload;



Call the Download method to copy a file from the FTP server to the local machine.

SourceFile is used as an argument when sending the FTP 'RETR' command.



SourceFile - holds the initial path to the file that is being copied.
DestFile - holds the destination path to copy the file to.
Dest - holds the destination data stream to copy the file to.
Overwrite - specifies whether to overwrite the file with the same name if it exists.
StartPos - the offset in bytes relative to the beginning of the file that the downloading starts at.


File downloading can occur in an active and passive modes (see UsePassive).

The EncryptDataChannel property determines whether the connection will be protected using a TLS/SSL protocol.

The UseCompression property determines whether data compression will be used when transferring a file.

The response code received during execution of this command request is contained in the ReplyCode property.


See Also






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