property IncludedAttributes: TScCMSIncludedAttributes;



The IncludedAttributes property sets or retrieves signed attributes that will be automatically generated and placed in the SignedAttributes property.

When any TScCMSIncludedAttribute flag is included in the IncludedAttributes set, the corresponding object representing the attribute will be added to the SignedAttributes list (if this attribute yet is not included in the list) on the signature calculation.

When any TScCMSIncludedAttribute flag is excluded from the IncludedAttributes set, the corresponding object representing the attribute will be deleted from the SignedAttributes list (if this attribute already is included in the list) on the signature calculation.

By default, the content type attribute (ciaContentType), the message digest attribute (ciaMessageDigest), and the signing time attribute (ciaSigningTime) will be included in the signed attributes.


See Also





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