procedure Init(ContentInfo: TScCMSContentInfo; EncryptionAlgorithm: TScASN1AlgorithmIdentifier); overload;

procedure Init(ContentInfo: TScCMSContentInfo; EncryptionAlgorithm: TScSymmetricAlgorithm = saTripleDES_cbc); overload;

procedure Init(const ContentBuffer: TBytes; EncryptionAlgorithm: TScSymmetricAlgorithm = saTripleDES_cbc); overload;

procedure Init(ContentStream: TStream; EncryptionAlgorithm: TScSymmetricAlgorithm = saTripleDES_cbc); overload;



Initializes the TScCMSEnvelopedData instance by using the specified content information as the inner content.

The ContentInfo, ContentBuffer, and ContentStream parameters represent the content information as the inner content of the encrypted message. The ContentInfo property is set from the value of this parameter.

The EncryptionAlgorithm parameter represents the symmetric algorithm used to encrypt the content. The ContentEncryptionAlgorithm property is set from the value of this parameter.


The Init method clears the RecipientInfos list.


See Also





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