procedure Init(ContentType: TScOId; const ContentBuffer: TBytes); overload;

procedure Init(ContentType: TScOId; ContentStream: TStream); overload;

procedure Init(const ContentBuffer: TBytes); overload;

procedure Init(ContentStream: TStream); overload;



Initializes the TScCMSContentInfo instance from the specified content type and the specified data.

The ContentType parameter is TScOId object that contains an object identifier (OID) that specifies the content type of the content. This can be data, digested data, encrypted data, enveloped data, hashed data, signed and enveloped data, or signed data. The ContentType property is set from the value of this parameter. If this parameter is not specified, the ContentType property will be set to the Data content type (1.2.840.113549.1.7.1).

The ContentBuffer parameter is an array of byte values that represents the data from which to initialize the TScCMSContentInfo object. The ContentBuffer property is set from the value of this parameter.

The ContentStream parameter is an object that represents the data from which to initialize the TScCMSContentInfo object. The ContentStream property is set from the value of this parameter.


Content typeOID string


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