ODBC Driver for Zoho Projects

How to obtain Refresh Token and Portal Name - ODBC Driver for Zoho Projects

To generate a Zoho Projects Refresh Token, perform these steps:

  1. Run the ODBC Administrator utility and open the Configuration dialog of the driver.
  2. Click the Sign In to Zoho button.

    Web Login

  3. In the appeared Web Login dialog, enter your Zoho account credentials and click Sign in

    Zoho Signin

  4. Then click the Accept button.

    Web Login

  5. The token is automatically generated and inserted in the corresponding field of the driver configuration window.

    Refresh Token

To obtain a portal name, go to Zoho Projects dashboard either manually or using the following link. In the dashboard, perform the following steps:

  1. Click the Profile Icon in the top-right corner of your Zoho Projects dashboard:


  2. In the appeared pop-up window, click the My Portal button:

    Zoho Profile

  3. On the next page you will see the list of your portals. Copy the Portal Name to use for connection creation:

    Zoho Portal

  4. Insert the Portal Name into the corresponding connection field:

    Connection Settings

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