ODBC Driver for Azure Synapse Analytics

Connection String Parameters - ODBC Driver for Azure Synapse Analytics

Azure Synapse Analytics ODBC Connection String Parameters

The following table lists the connection string parameters for Azure Synapse Analytics.

Parameter Description


Used to set the name of the database


Used to supply a password for login.


Used to specify the port number for the connection. 1433 by default.


Serves to supply the server name for login.

User ID

Used to supply a user name for login.

Advanced Settings

Allow NULL strings

To retrieve metadata, not all parameters according to MSDN can accept a null value. If NULL, the driver should return an error. But some 3rd-party tools pass NULL to the parameters. These options should be enabled for compatibility with such tools.

Empty strings as NULL


Used to specify the application workload type when connecting to a server.


The name of a client application. The default value is the name of the executable file of your application.

Connection Timeout

The time (in seconds) to wait for a connection to open before terminating an attempt. The default value is 15.

IP Version The Internet Protocol Version.
The default value. Internet Protocol Version 4 (IPv4) is used.
Internet Protocol Version 6 (IPv6) is used.
Either Internet Protocol Version 6 (IPv6) or Version 4 (IPv4) is used.
Note: When the property is set to ivIPBoth, a connection attempt is made via IPv6 if it is enabled in the operating system. If the connection attempt fails, a new connection attempt is made via IPv4.

Auto Translate

Determines how ANSI character strings are translated.

Encryption for Data

A way of translating data from unencrypted to encrypted text.


Enables support for the Multiple Active Result Sets (MARS) technology.


Enables or disables the creation of additional connections to support concurrent sessions, commands and rowset objects.

Trust Server Certificate

Specifies whether to verify the server certificate during an SSL handshake. When the value is True, the driver bypasses walking the certificate chain to verify the certificate. The default value is False.

ODBC Behavior

Used to set the behavior corresponding to the ODBC specification version that a third-party tool expects. The behavior of ODBC driver can be changed by setting a value for the SQL_ATTR_ODBC_VERSION attribute by calling the SQLSetEnvAttr function. But some third-party tools expect the driver to exhibit ODBC 2.x behavior, but forget to call SQLSetEnvAttr with the specified version or pass an incorrect value there. In this case, the required behavior can be explicitly specified in the Connection String by setting the ODBC Behavior parameter. The possible values are:

  • Default - default ODBC behavior determined by a third-party tool.
  • Ver 2.x - ODBC 2.x behavior is explicitly set.
  • Ver 3.x - ODBC 3.x behavior is explicitly set.


Network packet size in bytes.


Enables the use of local regional settings when converting numbers to strings.


Enables the use of local regional settings when converting dates and times to strings.

String Types

Sets the string value types returned by the driver as Default, Ansi or Unicode.

  • Default - the driver defines the string types.
  • Ansi - all string types will be returned as SQL_CHAR, SQL_VARCHAR and SQL_LONGVARCHAR.
  • Unicode - all string types will be returned as SQL_WCHAR, SQL_WVARCHAR and SQL_WLONGVARCHAR.

The parameter value should be changed if any third-party tool supports only Ansi string types or Unicode ones.

Sample Azure Synapse Analytics ODBC Connection String

DRIVER={Devart ODBC Driver for Azure Synapse Analytics};Data Source=mydatasource;User ID=myuserid;Port=1433

See also:

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