Hierarchy Chart

Many ODAC classes are inherited from standard VCL/LCL classes. The inheritance hierarchy chart for ODAC is shown below. The ODAC classes are represented by hyperlinks that point to their description in this documentation. The description of the standard classes can be found in the documentation of your IDE.




|   |—TCustomConnection

|   |   |—TCustomDAConnection

|   |       |—TOraSession

|   |—TDataSet

|   |   |—TMemDataSet

|   |       |—TCustomDADataSet

|   |       |   `|—TOraDataSet

|   |       |        |—TCustomOraQuery

|   |       |            |—TCustomSmartQuery

|   |       |            |   |—TOraTable

|   |       |            |   |—TSmartQuery

|   |       |            |—TOraQuery

|   |       |            |—TOraStoredProc

|   |       |–TOraNestedTable

|   |       |—TDAMetaData

|   |           |—TOraMetaData

|   |       |—TVirtualTable

|   |—TDataSource

|   |   |—TCRDataSource

|   |       |—TOraDataSource

|   |—TCRBatchMove

|   |—TCustomConnectDialog

|   |   |—TConnectDialog

|   |—TCustomDASQL

|   |   |—TOraSQL

|   |—TCustomDASQLMonitor

|   |   |—TOraSQLMonitor

|   |—TDALoader

|   |   |—TOraLoader

|   |—TDAScript

|   |   |—TOraScript

|   |—TDAAlerter

|   |   |—TOraAlerter

|   |—TCREncryptor

|   |   |—TOraEncryptor

|   |—TOraChangeNotification

|   |—TOraErrorHandler

|   |—TOraPackage

|   |—TOraQueue

|   |—TOraQueueAdmin

|   |—TOraQueueTable

|   |—TOraTrace

|   |—TOraTransaction



|   |—TCompressedBlob

|       |—TOraLob

|           |—TOraFile


|   |—TOraArray

|   |  |—TOraNestTable

|   |—TOraRef

|   |—TOraXML





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