TLabelSet Enumeration

Sets the languauge of labels in the connect dialog.




TLabelSet = (lsCustom, lsEnglish, lsFrench, lsGerman, lsItalian, lsPolish, lsPortuguese, lsRussian, lsSpanish);


Value Meaning
lsCustom Set the language of labels in the connect dialog manually.
lsEnglish Set English as the language of labels in the connect dialog.
lsFrench Set French as the language of labels in the connect dialog.
lsGerman Set German as the language of labels in the connect dialog.
lsItalian Set Italian as the language of labels in the connect dialog.
lsPolish Set Polish as the language of labels in the connect dialog.
lsPortuguese Set Portuguese as the language of labels in the connect dialog.
lsRussian Set Russian as the language of labels in the connect dialog.
lsSpanish Set Spanish as the language of labels in the connect dialog.

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