TCRDBGrid.OptionsEx Property

OptionsEx property provides control over TCRDBGrid-specific features. They complement inherited options found in Options property.




property OptionsEx: TCRDBGridOptionsEx default [dgeEnableSort, dgeLocalFilter, dgeLocalSorting, dgeRecordCount];


Following values are supported for the OptionsEx set:

dgeEnableSort - enables sorting of records by the specified column clicking on the column title.

dgeFilterBar - shows filter bar below grid caption where filter expressions for every column are entered manually.

dgeLocalFilter - records are filtered using associated dataset component facilities. Otherwise database server processes all filter operations.

dgeLocalSorting - records are sorted using associated dataset component facilities. Otherwise database server processes all sorting operations.

dgeRecordCount - displays status bar with current record number in respect to the total number of records. This option is mutually exclusive with dgeSummary option.

dgeSearchBar - shows search bar below grid caption where incremental search expression is entered for every column.

dgeStretch - makes all columns adjust their widths so that they fin onto entire grid area.

dgeSummary - displays status bar with summary information for every column. See TCRColumn.SummaryMode property on description of available options for individual columns. dgeSummary is mutually exclusive with dgeRecordCount option.

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