LinqConnect Documentation
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    In This Topic
    LinqConnect Documentation
    [email protected]

    LinqConnect is provided as a single installer that contains all required files and documentation. By default all files are installed in "Program Files\Devart\dotConnect\Linq\" folder. The setup program also adds the necessary assemblies to the Global Assembly Cache by default. You can omit adding assemblies to GAC by selecting the Do not install assemblies in the GAC check box on the Additional Tasks installation wizard page.

    Please note that LinqConnect installer does not contain .NET Standard compatible assemblies for .NET Core projects. These assemblies are only available via NuGet packages. However, if you want to try LinqConnect in .NET Core projects, you need both to add NuGet packages to your project and install LinqConnect Trial installer to generate trial license keys. See Licensing .NET Standard (.NET Core) Projects for more information.

    Some files are shared by Devart data providers. These assemblies are copied to the "Program Files\Devart\dotConnect\Linq\" folder. If you have several Devart data providers also, make sure they use same version of the Devart.Data.dll assembly.

    Command Line Installation Keys

    LinqConnect installation package is created with Inno Setup. Its standard setup command line parameters article is available at

    Also there are additional installation keys:

    • /nomachineconfig - no provider factory registration in DbProviderFactories section of machine.config.
    • /verysilent and /silent - besides standard Inno Setup functionality, no FAQ page is shown after installation is finished.
    • /nofeedback - no Feedback page is opened after uninstall.
    • /nomergepackage - not install menu item and toolbox components into Visual Studio.
    • /mergehelp - merge Devart documentation to MS Help collection.
    • /disablegac - omit adding assemblies to GAC.


    • the minimal type installation (only run-time assemblies and registration in machine.config)
      linqconnect.exe /TYPE=COMPACT /VERYSILENT /NOICONS
    • uninstall
      \Program Files\Devart\LinqConnect\Uninstall\unins000.exe /VERYSILENT /NOFEEDBACK
    The following table contains the list of components, that can be used with the /COMPONENTS key.
    Component name Parameter
    Visual Studio integration * *VsIntegration
    Providers *LinqRuntime
    Providers\MySQL Providers\MySql
    Providers\Oracle Providers\Oracle
    Providers\PostgreSQL Providers\PostgreSql
    Providers\SQLite Providers\SQLite
    Providers\SqlServer Providers\SQLServer
    Entity Developer ModelerTool
    LINQ Data Source component LinqWebRunTime
    Samples Samples
    Help files HelpFiles

    * The "*VsIntegration" parameter integrates the provider to all the installed Visual Studio versions, which are supported by LinqConnect. To install it only to Visual Studio 2010, for example, use "VsIntegration\VS2010" parameter. You can use the following parameters for integration to the specific Visual Studio versions:

    • LinqVsIntegration\VS2008 - integration to Visual Studio 2008
    • LinqVsIntegration\VS2010 - integration to Visual Studio 2010
    • LinqVsIntegration\VS2011 - integration to Visual Studio 2012
    • LinqVsIntegration\VS2013 - integration to Visual Studio 2013
    • LinqVsIntegration\VS2015 - integration to Visual Studio 2015
    • LinqVsIntegration\VS2017 - integration to Visual Studio 2017
    • LinqVsIntegration\VS2019 - integration to Visual Studio 2019
    • LinqVsIntegration\VS2022 - integration to Visual Studio 2022